Paper, Scissors, Rock
Create a program which simulates Rock, Paper, Scissors Game Steps:
Ask user to select rock, paper or scissors
Then generate computer selection by using random module
Then determine winner based on computer selection and user selection
Finally, ask whether they want to play again or not
Sample Output:
Enter a choice (rock, paper, scissors): paper
You chose paper, computer chose scissors.
Scissors cuts paper! You lose.
Play again (Y/N)? Y
Enter a choice (rock, paper, scissors): paper
You chose paper, computer chose scissors.
Scissors cuts paper! You lose.
Play again (Y/N)? Y
Enter a choice (rock, paper, scissors): rock
You chose rock, computer chose paper.
Paper covers rock! You lose.
Play again (Y/N)?
Use choice() function from random module to select random elements from option list.
[Professional Method]:
[Advanced Method]:
[Basic & Stupid Method]